Adventures of Matt and Pippa

Matt and Pippa Perkins DO London!!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

We've been in the sunny south for about 7 weeks now! So far so good. our adventures have included: ( get ready, brace yourself, these are very exciting and exotic!)

- Paying 15 pound for 2 burgers at the gourmet burger kitchen in Hampstead!
- Seeing some Deer in a park on Hampstead Heath
- Going to hear John Chapman (Author of A Fresh Start) at St Helens
- Playing Croquet on'Godfrey and Heathers' lawn!
- Making a compost heap and Matt cutting our hedge into a work of art!
- Walking down 'Abbey Road' (famous coz of the Beatles!)
- Seeing Phil Spencer and Kirstie Allsop of Location Location Location fame, filming down a nearby street and Phil Spencer giving Pippa a lovely smile, as she gazed at him.
- Seen Ferraris, porsches and aston martin and a pink Limo!
- Doing lots of youth groups with the cutest ever kids in one and the naughtiest ever kids in the other (though we pray that will change!)

It's a very friendly church, which is desparate to get the good news of the rescuer Jesus out to all around. We are enjoying serving God with them lots! Though we miss all our friends in Hull! Thats all fo rnow, til more excitment comes our way!
Over and out

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Hi. Welcome to our very own website, nicked the idea off our friends who are travelling the world. Well we aren't but you can keep up with all the latest in our adventures with God in our new life in London here! If you are bothered that is, totally understand if you're not! We hope to keep you riveted with the latest local celeb sightings, with our comparison of London prices to our old city of Hull, and erm, well i'm sure the best is yet ot come!

Matt and Pippa Perkins