Adventures of Matt and Pippa

Matt and Pippa Perkins DO London!!!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The old ones are the best...

It's so exciting when you find a hidden gem of a hymn, one which you forgot existed, yet is deeply on the money theologically and has such depth and beauty and expression about our great God! Some of the modern stuff we sing in church is so indiviualistic and man centred and so samey that is a joy to rediscover the old and the great!

Great is the gospel of our glorious God
Where mercy met the anger of Gods rod
The penalty was paid and pardon bought
And sinners lost, at last to him were brought

Oh let the praises of my heart be thine
For Christ has died that i may call him mine
That i may sing with those who dwell above
Adoring, praising Jesus, King of love

Great is the mystery of godliness
great is the work of God's own holiness
It moves my soul and causes me to long
For greater joys, than to the earth belong


The Spirit vindicated Christ our Lord
And angels sang with joy and sweet accord
The nations heard, a dark world flamed with light
When Jesus rose, in glory and in might


William Vernon Highham (1936)

Jesus Jesus, all sufficient
Beyond telling is thy worth
In thy name lie greater treasures
Than the richest found on earth
Such abundance, such abundance
Is my portion with my God

William Williams (!) 1717-1791