Adventures of Matt and Pippa

Matt and Pippa Perkins DO London!!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I like big...

Matt got slated at Cornhill for doing a talk on a psalm and illustrating how today we praise many things by song and poetry...for example, and yes he gave the example of 'I like Big Butts' (baby got butt) song and The thong song! Noooooooo! And youc an imagine how it went down there!!!

Well today he found this and realised that there is merit in this line of illustration! Ha ha


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Some photos with our digital camera that we got for Christmas!

New Years Eve, central London, Abi, Christina and I.
February half term, house sitting in the most amazing house ever!!


The february snow on our street

Matt outside Kings college halls, on the way to church staff mtg

Dan and Ally, our lush friends and fellow church family

January - Taskforce weekend reunion, us at the heath

Trying EVERYTHING out in the Hollycroft pad

A friday night with our American family, the beautiful Megan

Luke, Macey and Matt on our walk to Golders Hill
Park (AKA Goddards Park Avenue to you macey!)

Alix and Christina, friends from church

Me and my student nurses, Rachel and Hannah

The gorgeous Abimbola - what a star!


Our news lately for anyone who cares! A slightly random collection of things that spring to mind!
Since Christmas we have seen Gods mighty hand at work in causing Matts parents marriage to have a fabulous new start, including them going on a 3 wk trip round Italia! So amazing, real transformation.
Church has been growing, with the evening service totally different to how it was 18 months ago with a music band and more young twenties and thirties singles and couples joining us. It's exciting! Also, it is really on my heart to get a work started, a planet coffee style discussion and chill and short talk on relevant issues happening in West Hampstead. We are praying for a cafe or pub or shop to be approachable about lending out a function room or part of their premises.

We have been blown away by Jehovah Jireh, God our provider providing outrageously for us!!! Please pray for wisdom as we seek to bring Him glory in and through what he has lavished on us!
God has really helped and sustained us during a real hard time with our neighbour and lots of drama with her that was really unsettling and disruptive.

I have been reading The Word became Fresh by Dale Ralph Davis for staff book of the term on how to preach the Old testament and it has been ace! I love His style!
We have been immersed in the truth of the resurrection and how vital it is to our salvation!!

Matts brother and sister in law are due to have their first baby in the next couple of weeks, very exciting!
I saw Clive Owen, british film star and Jules Oliver and Jude Law in Starbucks in Hampstead! I have been shown George Michaels Hampstead house!

The youth work is going really well, just how we'd like it to be! We're teaching Jonah at the moment midweek and group numbers are swelling.

We are excited about the William Wilberforce (hurrah for Hull) film Amazing Grace coming out and pray it will be a great opportunity for us!

Matt has been given the opportunity to be employed by church in september for the last year of my contract, after He finishes Cornhill this summer. It's an opportunity for Him to develop further his preaching, and pastoral care of the younger men. His preaching is pretty good too! Praise God!

We are excited about meeting up with Matt and Kate Tarling soon for dinner and for Lee and Cathra coming over from Oz to stay with us!

Pippa is wasting lots of time on Facebook, not good, so addictive and has got Matt hooked now too!

Thats about it!
