May pretty much came and went! For more details do look at my thankfulness blog i've been keeping for nearly a year. It's . Looking back heres what i can remember! All the youth groups at church are contuning to grow in number and maturity which is so exciting! God is doing His work as usual! I have been challenged that He is more passionate about seeing young people give their lives to Jesus and live their lives trusting in Him, than even i am! And i'm a pretty pasionate person, and i am very passionate about that!
I've just started in two school bible clubs for the rest of term, which is exciting! In one we're going through the book of Daniel which i love and is so inspiring for us as we weak little ones seek to live a life for God in a world/country/school or uni/family even that is opposed to God!
Matt got into Oak Hill bible college to start studying part time from Spetember which is very exciting. He will work for church the rest of the week. His preaching has been getting better and better!
For the bank holiday we had Matts parents to stay and the rest of the family also came to visit on the saturday. It was fun to all be together. And i nipped home for a friday and saturday as Matt was away with one of the youth groups, so that was great. Last week we spent time with my bro and his beautiful wifey and had a really greta time together shopping, chatting and having a lush Indian curry at a lovely restaurant.
We went to see We Will Rock You at the theatre and WICKED, which is my all time fave show! I adore it! We were dog au pairs for one fo the bank holiday weekends which was suprisingly fun! Matt got to pick up the poo though! Ha! Everywhere we went with this cute little dog we got comments of 'How cute!' and it made us broody for a dog! One fo the best parts of May was going to Hull for a long weekend to visit my old church, home and girlies that i read the bible with and wise older folk and it was so encouraging to see everyone still loving and living for Jesus. Some of my very best friends live in Hull, and its all change this summer as 2 of the girls marry, Abi moves to Italy, Yuri returns to South Korea and people move on and things just change! End of yet another era, but we reflect and see the way God has used the weak and faltering efforts of Christians in Hull to bring many the chance to hear the life saving Gospel and now have new life forever knowing and loving God.
Juen and July will be tres busyo! I have bible clubs, youth groups etc every week til end of july, some woemsn and youth bbqs to run, a holiday club to organise every aspect of, a big theology book to read and review, 2 summer camps to work hard on before and at, 2 weddings up in Hull and York to go to and hopefully a little time off!
Over and Out